I'm Not Dead Yet!

Greetings, internet! I'm re-emerging here on this day of the Hunter Moon to share an update and an invitation, with the intention of getting back into this groove of monthly missives now that I've landed in my new gig at Wellesley College. (So far so good, by the way—it has been a lot of work to get my head back into this game but am grateful for the supportive environment and generous colleagues I've found there.)

First of all, the update: If you've tried to call or text me and received a weird automated message in response, my apologies! I recently switched to a new phone and despite repeated efforts was unable to get the folks at my old carrier to bring the new number over with me. If you'd like to be in touch that way and you're receiving this post by email, simply reply to the message and I'll share my new digits with you.

Secondly, the invitation: Whoa, I'm almost 40! If you've known me for a long time, you might remember that my birthday coincides with Día de Los Muertos, a strange contradiction that I've decided to lean into as I head into my fifth decade in this body. Since my good friends at ten (the emergence network) are hosting a worldwide translocal convening called Becoming Monster this year from October 30th to November 3rd, I thought it might be fun to host a one-hour virtual gathering on Saturday, November 2nd from 1-2 pm EDT (5-6 pm UTC) to celebrate with all comers! Here's what's on offer:

Death comes for all of us – but if you’re reading this, it hasn’t found you yet (in this lifetime, at least!) One of the ways that we know we’re alive is that we can contemplate death. In this session, longtime ten collaborator Alex Rodríguez is taking the occasion of his 40th birthday (Día de Los Muertos) to invite an exploration of this contradiction. We’ll mourn the versions of ourselves that have already passed away, feel into what matters most in the lives we have left to live, and celebrate what emerges when we remember the truth of our mortality.

There are two ways to register for the event:

1) If you're also interested in checking out some of the other offerings for the Becoming Monster festival, click here to register and then select my session to RSVP and receive a link to join.

2) If you just want to come hang for my session, email me directly and I'll send you the link.

I can imagine that contemplating death might not be what you had in mind for a birthday celebration. It doesn't have to be all somber and serious, though—and trust me, it won't be, thanks to the talented multi-hyphenate Owólabi Aboyade (aka Will See) who will guide the proceedings. Hope to see you there!

Since I always end my posts with music, how about checking out Owólabi's music video for "Take tha House Back":