To Touch the Earth, Build a Spaceship
Hello, Bhumi Starship!
I'm trying on an experiment of doing a little bit of writing at the beginning of my work-day to document and share what I've learned and am learning as an early Core Organizer and now General Coordinator for the Bhumisparsha sangha. If you're reading this and don't know what Bhumisparsha is, please feel free to join one of our ongoing events to learn more about this strange, beautiful world I've been immersing myself in over the past couple of years!
One delightful and surprising starting point is the birth of the "Bhumi Starship" as a metaphor—sangha member Sara Legg called it our alter ego—to describe and orient us in shared digital space. Bhumisparsha is the sanskrit word for "touching the earth", so it came as a surprise that our big leap into collective presence came via Zoom and Crowdcast at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
UPDATE: I stepped down from my role as General Coordinator for the Bhumisparsha sangha in December 2021. I plan to write some public reflections on my experience in the sangha soon.