Academic Writing
Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:
“Making the Hang in Chile at Thelonious, Lugar de Jazz.” Jazz and Culture 3(1)
“Harmolodic Pedagogy and the Challenge of Omni-Musicality.” Jazz Perspectives 9(2)
“Jack Teagarden’s Southwestern Sound: A Musical Prodigy and His Field.” In Musical Prodigies: Interpretations from Psychology, Music Education, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, pp. 685-703. Edited by Gary E. McPherson.
Editor-in-Chief, Ethnomusicology Review Volume 19
PhD Dissertation:
“Making Jazz Space: Clubs and Creative Practice in California, Chile, and Siberia.”
Book Reviews:
“Dave Brubeck and the Performance of Whiteness.” Journal of Jazz Studies 15(1).
“Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in Late Modernity; Jazz Cosmopolitanism in Accra: Five Musical Years in Ghana.” Jazz Perspectives 8(2):209-214
“People Get Ready: The Future of Jazz is Now.” Ethnomusicology Review 19.
“Birds of Fire: Jazz, Rock, Funk and the Creation of Fusion.” Ethnomusicology Review 16:465
Essays and Journalism
(In roughly reverse-chronological order, with more recent writing towards the top)
For Geez Magazine:
For DownBeat:
Full list of publications for DownBeat, including:

For Lion's Roar:

For Sounding Out!:

For NPR Music:
Full list of publications for NPR Music, including:

For LA Weekly:

For Ethnomusicology Review:
Full list of publications for Ethnomusicology Review, including:

For The Village Voice:

For The Newark Star-Ledger:
Full list of publications for The Newark Star-Ledger, including:

More writing and links to other work can be found at my old jazz blog, Lubricity, which ran from 2009-2020. A few favorites: